Thursday, February 26, 2009

Promises Made, Promises Broken*

Barack Obama continues to retreat as President from positions he took on the campaign trail, mostly for the better.

On his recent visit to Canada, he said that trade protectionism would be harmful to the economy. Contrast that with his campaign promise to reopen the North American Free Trade Agreement signed over 15 year ago.

The Associated Press' Ron Fournier came up with "accountability journalism", whose goal is to hold politicians accountable for the promises they make. Suffice to say, he has been AWOL on this and other issues related to the Obama administration.

More broadly, the press continues to give Obama a pass on these flip-flops, ensuring that politicians will continue to lie to the electorate while campaigning for office and making the political culture of the country more confrontational than reality warrants.

* An ongoing series that compares Barack Obama's campaign rhetoric with the reality of his administration's actions and policies (see previous columns on energy policy, Osama Bin Laden, and cabinet members).

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