Friday, February 6, 2009

Tax Cheats R Us III

Well, there they go again. Now Barack Obama's nominee to be Labor Secretary, congresswoman Hilda Solis, has a tax problem. Her husband settled this week $6,400 in tax liens on his auto repair business, some of which were from 16 year ago.

Like Daschle, it sure appears there was no desire to pay this tax liability without the pressure from public scrutiny, with Solis's husband paying the tax only after USA Today began investigating the matter.

Some will say this isn't her problem, since it his her husband's business (although they file joint returns). But as a member of the House, and a nominee for the cabinet, we need public officials who don't flaunt or condone violating our laws. Nor who think that by virtue of their prominence, local tax liens won't be enforced.

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