Thursday, March 5, 2009

EU to Eastern Europe: Drop Dead

The European Union rejected pleas from Eastern European governments for aid to deal with the crisis effecting their financial system. In contrast, recall that the United States came to Mexico's rescue in 1994 during a financial crisis.

Yes, the wealthy Western European nations who rejected such aid are having their own problems, and yes, such aid rewards bad behavior.

But such aid can also help prevent Eastern Europe, less than 20 years after being liberated from their former Soviet masters, from succumbing to Russian pressure.

This continues the pattern of Europe's inability to take strong measures in support of freedom and against tyranny. From the wars of ethnic cleansing by Serbia in the 1990's that were only addressed by American intervention after Europe dithered, to the appeasement of Russia in the face of its war against Georgia last year, Europe continues to demonstrate, in a tragic twist of the Marine slogan, that there is "no worse friend, and no better enemy" than Europe.

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