Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Climate Change Consensus?

The Cato Institute has run a full-page ad that challenges Barack Obama's assertion that climate change represents one of our greatest threats and that the science is beyond dispute.

In point of fact, Obama and the climate change activists know very well that many people disagree with them - there are many columns, editorials, and articles that oppose in various ways their views on climate change.

The ad's quotation from Barack Obama, along with many other comments by climate change activists, illustrates the increased use of appeals to an alleged consensus and personal denunciations of those who disagree with the activists as a rhetorical technique to make their case.

The proper way to make one's argument on any topic is to cite facts, integrated in a logical manner. Asserting that something is common knowledge when it isn't, or making personal attacks against those who disagree with you, is evidence that the speaker can't use facts and logic to make his case or is an intellectual thug - or both.

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