Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Most Powerful Group in America You Have Never Heard Of

The Obama administration is threatening the State of California, which is facing a staggering $42 billion budget deficit due to excessive spending growth and reliance on a "progressive" income tax, with the loss of $7 billion in stimulus money - unless California ends a $74 million budget cut that reduces wages for unionized health care workers.

The Services Employees International Union (SEIU) spent $85 million of union dues to help elect Barack Obama as president, and wants a return on its investment.

This intervention by the Obama administration in a state budget matter shows you the extent to which Obama is beholden to the unions.

The SEIU has had many of its leaders appointed to roles in the Obama administration. Through those jobs, and efforts such as strong-arming California, it is getting a payback on its investment.

And in return, taxpayers suffer.

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