Monday, July 20, 2009

Faux Scandal

The Democrats are trumpeting the "secret" CIA efforts to consider targeted killings of Al Quaeda. What's more astounding is that we haven't been doing this for the past eight years, since we have certainly been waging war against Al Quaeda.

The CIA planned to tell Congress about this effort if it ever got to the operational stage, and since it didn't, there was not much to report.

The Democrats are seeking to make a scandal out of nothing, in an attempt to deflect attention from Nancy Pelosi's lies about what she knew, and when she knew it, regarding interrogation tactics such as waterboarding.

And by feigning outrage over planning exercises, the Democrats will deter the CIA from pursuing its mission to protect America through spying and covert missions. Why undertake dangerous and risky efforts if it will lead to Congressional investigations and possible prosecutions, while Democrats seek to score political points?

The true outrage is the behavior of the Democrats, who have time and again sought to undermine America's interests in pursuit of political power.

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