Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Honduras Outrage

Barack Obama is pursuing "change" in our foreign affairs: he is punishing our friends and coddling up to thuggish regimes.

From pushing Israel to stop settlement activity to help the Palestinians, imposing trade restraints to help unions, and ending the missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic to help Russia, the Obama administration has decided it is easier to get "progress" on its diplomatic efforts by hurting our friends and helping our enemies.

No where is that more evident than Honduras. Mary Anastasia O'Grady of the Wall Street Journal has done yeoman's work on the Obama administrations efforts to pressure Honduras to overturn its constitution to force its former president back in office (see here and here). The administration has even threatened not to recognize the victor in the November presidential election, all the more stunning since the ousted president wasn't constitutionally allowed to run again.

The beneficiary of Obama's efforts is the Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez.

Nice trade: out with the Honduras constitution, in with Chavez authoritarianism.

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