Friday, August 20, 2010

An "Honest" Politician

New York City councilman Jumaane Williams made an interesting admission the other day: he said he favors allowing elected officials in New York City to serve three four year terms, instead of two under term limit restrictions, so they could receive a pension - which requires 10 years of service.

Of course, Williams' admission is a damning indictment of a political class that seeks money through the political system - and speaks to a significant motivation behind many people's interest in politics: the hope to secure money for oneself through the political system.

In the late 1990's, a former Democrat from Oklahoma said that what many people don't realize is that a critical motivator behind many Democratic politicians' support of further government spending is the desire for them personally to benefit from that spending - in the form of more jobs for elected and appointed officials.

Councilman Williams makes that point crystal clear.

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