Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

Economists from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published a study that said property taxes are the best way to raise additional tax revenues since its effects on economic growth are less than other ways to increase taxes. The study concluded that increasing income and employment taxes are the worst way to raise taxes due to its negative impact on economic growth.

This is consistent with the supply-side revolution in tax and economic policies that Ronald Reagan unleashed almost 30 years ago, and keeping tax rates on income low is one of the important ways we can get the economy growing again.

Interestingly, the OECD is a Paris-based organization that works on economic and public policy issues. It is an established member of the many international organizations that influence policy. As such, it is no bastion of conservative thinking. The fact that such a group published a study extolling the virtues of a "regressive" property tax and depicting the problems of a "progressive" income tax illustrates how accepted it is by economists that higher income taxes reduce economic growth.

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