Sunday, April 3, 2011

Machine Madness

This column by Sam Kazman in the Wall Street Journal discusses the impact of government regulations that mandate energy and water efficiency standards for washing machines. Due to these regulations, top loading washing machines clean clothes much less effectively than previously. Front loading washing machines generally provide superior cleaning, at a significant cost increase.

This raises the question: if energy and water efficiency were such desirable attributes of washing machines even if cleaning quality is reduced, than consumers could choose such models. And other consumers, who don't want to trade off efficiency for cleaning quality, could choose other models. Such is how matters operate in a free society.

The very fact that the government decided to promulgate such standards, rather than leave the choice to each of us individually, is because it feared many would prefer cleaning quality to energy/water efficiency. And because many people wouldn't make the "correct"choice, the government had to make the decision for us.

Just one more example of our nanny state at work, limiting our freedom.

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