Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Presidential Doublespeak

Barack Obama, in describing his decision to order the EPA to consider allowing states to regulate auto emissions for greenhouse gases, said:

"Our goal is not to further burden an already-struggling industry. It is to help America's auto makers prepare for the future."

While his goal no doubt isn't to add to the industry's burdens, in fact such regulations will. Good intentions are not the measure of a policy, but reality. And the auto makers, on the verge of collapse, don't need to add to their R&D budgets to develop new technologies to meet this regulatory burden nor have their most profitable vehicles (trucks and SUVs) regulated out of existence.

Moreover, Obama is disingenuous when he couches this as a forward-looking policy, when in reality the need to prepare for this "future" only exists by virtue of the new government regulation.

Thanks for the doublespeak, Mr. President.

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