Saturday, January 24, 2009

A New Surgeon Generals' Warning: The Left is Dangerous to Your Health

The New York Times reports that Said Ali al-Shihri, a terrorist formerly detained at Guantanamo Bay, is the deputy leader of Al Qaeda in Yemen.  American officials suspect Shihri was involved in a terrorist attack in September 2008 outside the U.S. embassy in Yemen that killed 16 people.  

A recent Pentagon report indicated that an estimated 61 former detainees have returned to terrorism since their release from Guantanamo.  

And remember:  the detainees released to date were believed to be the less dangerous ones.  And now Obama wants to shut down Guantanamo and potentially release many more.

The brutal question for President Obama, Congressional Democrats, and the left:  how many people are you prepared to see die so you can feel better about releasing detainees and closing Guantanamo?

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