Sunday, June 7, 2009

Joe Biden

As this Wall Street Journal column illustrates, Joe Biden played a critical role in turning judicial nominations in all-out political war over 20 years ago.

Thanks to Biden, in his role as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee in 1987, he facilitated the "borking" of Robert Bork and, after telling Clarence Thomas he would be his biggest defender, he supervised the Anita Hill's spectacle.

While many may thing this is the norm, note that Antonio Scalia, the most feared judge on the Supreme Court by the left for his strong legal views, was confirmed 98-0. The Robert Bork nomination changed all that, thanks to Biden allowing the left to use the confirmation process to smear nominees - all because Biden was planning to run for president in 1988 and he wanted to curry favor with the left in his party.

The result: we have bitter nomination fights over Supreme Court justices and lower-quality judges, because potential nominees with strong legal opinions are easy to criticize.

Thanks, Joe. You are quite the leader.

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