Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Animal Right vs. Human Rights

As reported in the Wall Street Journal, the Swiss drug maker Novartis has seen a number of attacks against its CEO, with evidence suggesting the attacks are the work of animal rights groups who oppose using animals to test new drug's safety.

The CEO's vacation house burned in a fire, and arson is suspected. And the ashes of his deceased mother were dug up and stolen from her gravesite. Incidents against other employees have also occurred.

Being kind and decent to animals is a good thing, as any pet owner ought to know. But it is because of our humanity, of our desire to take care of the animals for whom we care.

That very same humanity also requires that we test medical products for safety on animals before using these products on people. While it is unpleasant to realize that animals may be harmed or killed in medical tests, the alternative is to first test new products on people - or not to develop the products at all. To harm people in such tests, or to deny us the extraordinary benefit that new drugs and medical devices have wrought, is an inversion of the proper role of rights.

It is animal rights vs. human rights. You can be for one, but not the other. There is no alternative.

I vote for the humans.

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