Friday, August 21, 2009

The Audacity of Power

As discussed in this Wall Street Journal column, Attorney General Eric Holder dropped charges against the New Black Panther Party for voting rights intimidation during the election last November. The intimidation included a man carrying a nightstick and making racial threats against voters, and has been characterized by the publisher of the left wing Village Voice as the incident "the most blatant form of voter intimidation I've seen".

The decision is so offensive that parts of Obama's own administration, in this case the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, oppose it.

It turns out one of the defendants is a member of the Philadelphia Democratic party machine and a credentialed poll watcher.

The Democratic party has long opposed requiring voters to show ID on election day; supports expanding absentee ballots which are easier to allow voting fraud to occur; and supports allowing criminals to vote.

Holder's decision, which no doubt Obama concurred with before its rendering, is consistent with the Democrat's desire to allow fraudulent and criminal behavior to increase their votes in elections. And as an added bonus, the decision helps a member of the Philadelphia Democratic party.

As outrageous as this is, it is all the more galling because Obama thinks he can get away with it. And with a subservient press, he probably can.

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