Saturday, October 24, 2009

Change We Need

Barack Obama is waging a campaign to destroy Fox News. Obama doesn't like an organization that doesn't fawn all over him and his administration, and is trying to get other media outlets to treat Fox as not a news organization.

The thuggishness of Obama and his gang is really astounding. He has told his opponents to stop talking, his administration sought adverse emails opposing his health care plans, and now he is striking at Fox.

It is important that we not find this "ironic", since Democrats / leftists ostensibly support free expression. That train left the station long ago, as best evidenced by college campuses that are rife with speech codes and other restrictions on open debate that, in practice, generally act to limit conservative views.

Obama and his gang are largely living what they experienced in their academic careers (recall Obama taught in law school). The First Amendment is critical to protect your own speech, but not so relevant when it is dissenting voices that speak.

It is a shocking thing to say, but Obama is tougher on Fox News than Iran.

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