Friday, November 6, 2009

America's Image

The Wall Street Journal reports that Iranians staged large protests of the regime on the day traditionally used by the government to demonstrate against America. The regimes gets its thugs to chant "Death to America", so the protesters chanted "Death to the Dictator", a reference to the Iranian leadership.

But the protesters added a remarkable element to their demonstration, also chanting "Obama, Obama, you are either with us or with them".

So there you have it. America's image in the mind of freedom fighters is now one in which they believe we side with the authoritarian regime - a regime that is one of our leading enemies in the world.

With better presidential leadership, this is an easy call. America should side with the protesters and against our enemy.

Is this the kind of change Americans thought they were getting when they voted for Obama last year? Tuesday's vote suggests not.

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