Monday, November 9, 2009

The Anti-Stimulus

Johnson & Johnson announced layoffs of 8,200 people. This is just the latest announced job cuts in the pharmaceutical industry, where Pfizer (19,500 job cuts), Merck (15,930), and Eli Lilly (5,500) have recently announced job cuts.

Job reductions are unfortunately a normal part of companies and the economy more broadly reacting to changes in business conditions.

But one such changing condition is the assault being waged by the Obama administration and Democrats on the health care industry through its proposed health care legislation. If profits are tougher to come by, companies will cut jobs and costs to help offset their losses.

J&J went out of its way to say that its job cuts were not related to pending healthcare legislation, and while that may be true, it is certainly possible that they feel the need to say that as the company looks to garner favor with the government.

Think of it as a form of "anti-stimulus", with Obama trying to create public sector and make-work jobs with his "stimulus" bill while high quality private sector jobs in the pharmaceutical industry are lost.

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