Saturday, December 5, 2009

Obama to U.S. Military: Die for Nothing

Barack Obama's "thoughtful" review has produced the worst of all outcomes in Afghanistan: adding troops without a clear commitment to winning the war. By saying that the additional troops are temporary, with their withdrawl beginning 18 months from now, Obama sends the message to the enemy that they can wait us out.

For people we hope to keep or recruit to our side, from the Afghan and Pakistani governments to the Afghanis living with Taliban forces or sympathizers nearby, they have to worry we will abandon them later - and if so, they should abandon us today and accommodate the Taliban today.

But worse of all is the message to America's military personnel. We are sending you to fight, and some to die, but we don't have the courage or capacity to see the war through to victory. It would be more honorable to withdraw them all now, and not have a single soldier die, if we won't fight to win.

It is a despicable decision by the President.

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