Sunday, January 31, 2010

Getting Serious About Iran?

The Obama administration may finally be getting serious about Iran. Today's New York Times reports that the U.S. military has been deploying missile defense systems to the Persian Gulf, continuing a build up started under George Bush. Patriot missile batteries with American military personnel are reported to be based in Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates. In addition, our Navy has cruisers with advanced anti-missile defensive systems patrolling off the Iranian coast at all times.

These deployments suggest Obama may be prepared to take more aggressive steps against Iran, although it doesn't necessarily presage a military attack against Iran's nuclear facilities, since these defensive missile systems are also consistent with a policy of living with a nuclear-armed Iran.

I have had the view that Barack Obama wouldn't let Iran develop nuclear weapons because, if nothing else, of the devastating political consequences for him and Democrats. Obama's desire to impose his healthcare plan on America undermines that premise, since Obama has certainly inflicted great damage on his political standing to pursue his leftist policy agenda.

While it may be too much to say the Doomsday Clock has receded a bit with the missile deployment, it is a hopeful sign of seriousness on the part of the administration.

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