Sunday, January 24, 2010

Let Freedom Ring II

It has been quite a week for advocates of liberty. In addition to Scott Brown's election thwarting Obama's healthcare plans, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned some restrictions on political contributions by corporations and unions. Previously, certain corporations that are in the media business (think the New York Times or Wall Street Journal) were allowed to express political views freely but other corporations (everyone else, and labor unions) had severe restrictions on their ability to do so. The new ruling helps right this wrong.

The Democrats like muzzling groups they think tend to oppose them, and are more than willing to abandon the principle of free expression for political advantage.

Moreover, attempts to limit spending on political campaigns have two main effects: forcing spending into less visible channels to get around the restrictions, and benefiting incumbents who get plenty of free publicity as incumbents and making it more difficult for challengers to succeed.

The Supreme Court decision will increase political competition and make spending more visible - both good things for freedom to thrive.

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