Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Obama's America

In the span of a few days, two seemingly unrelated events speak more to Barack Obama's view of an America that will be diminished: Obama signed into law his healthcare legislation, and his administration reached agreement with Russia to reduce nuclear weapons.

What came to my mind was Britain's decline in the post World War II period - a decline in economic growth as the country pursued national healthcare and a broad socialist agenda and a decline in global power as it reduced its military commitments to reflect its diminished economic prospects.

And now Obama is pursuing similar policies, with likely similar effects if not reversed in upcoming elections.

Intellectually, both socialized medicine and nuclear disarmament derive from leftist ideology and policies as espoused for many decades. Financially, the higher government spending on healthcare means less money is available for military spending.

I always thought it remarkable and sad that Britain voted for economic and political decline after World War II.

I don't believe that most Americans felt that was what they voted for in 2008 in electing Barack Obama.

But it is what they got.

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