Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Who Needs Prisons Anyway?

I have written a number of columns on the effects by state governments to release prison inmates as part of efforts to save money. Unfortunately, we are now seeing the predictable results.

The New York Times reports on the backlash that is growing from these efforts. In Illinois, of the 1,700 inmates who were released early, 50 had committed new crimes within the first three months (no doubt this understates the number due to undetected criminal activity).

As government has moved away from securing our rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" and to instead providing welfare benefits, the costs of the welfare state use tax dollars that would otherwise be available for criminal justice. As a result, states are defaulting on their primary responsibility to protect citizens from crime through these inmate-release programs.

Chalk up robbery, rape, and murder as another cost of the welfare state.

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