Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Future of Healthcare

Due to lies and disinformation dished out by Obamacare supporters, you might not realize that, in many states, health insurers need state regulatory approval for rate increases.

That's right. Those big rate increases that Obama likes to decry only take effect after state insurance commissions approve them.

Insurance commissions have taken a tougher line recently in approving rate increases, which will ultimately have the effect of driving health insurers out of the marketplace unless the regulators allow rates to reflect rising healthcare costs, which costs will be increasing under Obamacare.

But then again, that is probably exactly what Obama would like to see happen - then he and his supporters will claim that is why a public option is needed. The Democrats have a long history of opposing healthcare reforms that might obviate the need for greater government control (such as the long fight against Health Spending Accounts). Destroying the market for private health insurance is part of the same strategy.

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