Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What are They Thinking?

According to the leftist members of the U.S. Supreme Court, terror groups deserve free speech protection more than American corporations.

In Citizens United v. F.E.C., the four leftist members of the court voted against the majority's decision to overturn restrictions on American corporations and unions from spending money in certain circumstances during elections.

And this week, three of the Court's four leftists (not John Paul Stevens, who voted with the majority) opposed a law that banned providing materials support to foreign terrorist organizations. The leftists are concerned that Americans can't provide advice or assistance to the parts of terrorist groups that engage in "lawful" pursuits.

Instead, the majority made the obvious determination that money and support is fungible, that aiding the "legal" activities of a terrorist group frees up resources for the terrorists to pursue their violent activities.

This makes sense only among the left, who seek political advantage by restricting corporate campaign contributions and who take a more casual attitude toward terrorism.

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