Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Reality of the "Cycle of Violence"

One of the common refrains in discussing the Israeli-Palestinian-Arab conflict is to implore the "cycle of violence", which sees the conflict in morally neutral terms where the parties are primarily responding to each other's military actions.

Israel's military efforts are typically in response to multiple attacks by its enemies, such as its current military campaign in response to months of rockets attacks by Hamas into Israel or the 2006 campaign in Lebanon against Hezbollah after their capture of Israel soldiers.

On the other hand, the terror groups initiate the use of low-intensity military attacks as a core part of their strategy to weaken Israel's resolve. If they didn't launch such attacks, there wouldn't be the frequent military clashes involving Israel and the terror groups.

And we now have the recurring spectacle of the UN and European Union repeating their refrain and seeking a cease-fire, and in the process trying to prevent Israel from inflicting substantial damage on Hamas.

If Europe, the UN, and others really want to stop the "cycle of violence", then they need to let Israel deliver a truly devastating military blow against Hamas. While that won't guarantee peace, it would begin to change the strategic calculation of Hamas, Hezbollah, and their supporters.

From their warped perspective, the ongoing military struggle against Israel is working: Israel pulled out of Lebanon, pulled out of Gaza, and has offered unprecedented concessions on Palestinian statehood - so why stop now? If the terror groups saw that the international community won't come to its defense anymore when Israel responds militarily, it would over time help produce the perspective needed for lasting peace: the desire of the terrorists, Palestinians, and their supporters to genuinely live in peace with Israel.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Three Remarkable Words

My local YMCA has various written signs posted depicting the values the Y seeks to instill and foster.  One sign that has long impressed me reads "Realism, Idealism, Optimism".  These three words capture a reality-oriented, positive outlook on life.  

The importance of realism lies in the need for us to confront reality as it exists, and not as we may wish it to be.  You can't know what to do, or seek to change something for the better, without an honest appraisal of what's happening.

Idealism reflects the importance of having a commitment to acting ethically and seeking to make your life, and the world around you, a better place.

And optimism reflects the view that life, despite its many challenges and hardships, is often a happy one or can be made so.  In effect, a commitment to reality with a passion to improve one's life should correspond to an optimistic outlook.

A remarkable three words to guide our life and our actions. 

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Line of Pigs at the Trough is Up the Hill

Property developers are the latest to come hat in hand looking for government aid. They are asking to be included in a new $200 billion loan program initially created to help the markets for car loans, student loans, and credit card debt.

Unlike financial institutions (and arguably auto companies), if a commercial real estate property defaults on its debt, its business doesn't cease to operate. The real estate doesn't disappear, and the property will continue to "operate" and provide value to its tenants. Instead, the developers lose most if not all of their equity as creditors' claims are restructured, and creditors most likely also lose money.

And if in the days ahead we hear of risks to banks that real estate loan defaults entail, then that specific problem can be addressed directly with the bank(s) effected through actions like the good bank / bad bank restructuring recently undertaken with Citigroup.

The government must stop its bailout activity, both to protect taxpayers and to encourage businesses to focus on solutions to their problems away from a political solution.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Liberty's Friends

In this season of giving, I want to take the opportunity to identify a number of organizations who fight for the cause of liberty across a wide front.  Whether you contribute to their efforts financially, sign up to get emails of their activities, or peruse their web sites, I encourage you to learn more about these groups who are important advocates of freedom.

The Moving Picture Institute (MPI) promotes films that espouse a pro-freedom agenda.  Think of the success of Michael Moore's documentaries from a leftist perspective, and you can see the power of film to promote in an immediate and emotionally powerful way views.  One of MPI's great successes has been promoting The Singing Revolution, an inspiring story of how the people of Estonia struggled to free themselves from Soviet oppression - through the power of singing.

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) defends individual rights at America's colleges and universities.  FIRE has had great success in exposing restrictions on free speech and politically-motivated suspensions/dismissals of students and professors for having the temerity to speak their mind.  The fact that FIRE's work is so important is as sad a commentary as any on the deplorable state of our institutions of higher learning.

The Institute of Justice (IJ) is a public interest law firm dedicated to protecting individual rights through litigation.  For example, IJ has defended homeowners subject to eminent domain in the Kelo case that went to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Independent Women's Forum (IWF) is a voice for women who favor economic liberty and 
personal responsibility who find that other women's groups don't speak for them.

The Claremont Institute seeks to restore the principles of America's Founding to a preeminent role in public policy.  The website contains many interesting articles.

The Cato Institute is the most prominent libertarian think tank, seeking to influence public policy.  Similarly, The Heritage Foundation is the most prominent conservative think tank.

There are a number of websites that are advocates of novelist/philosopher Ayn Rand and her pro-freedom views, including:  The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights and The Atlas Society.   

The Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice is a leading advocate of school choice.

Other groups whose work I found interesting include The Manhattan Institute and the American Council on Science and Health.

We are fortunate that freedom has these and other advocates, since they provide the organizational capacity to promote and defend freedom.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Audacity of Power

One of the more disturbing elements of the recent Presidential campaign was the attempt to smear Joe Wurzelbacher (aka "Joe the Plumber") for having the temerity to ask Barack Obama a question. For that offense, Joe was treated to a media assault and government investigations.

In addition to the media barrage against Joe which ranks as one of the new lows for politically-driven journalism, Ohio state officials searched through confidential records to dig up dirt to impugn his credibility.

It is good to see this week that this attack on an ordinary citizen will lead to the loss of jobs for Helen Jones-Kelley, who led the investigation into Joe's background, along with Doug Thompson and Fred Williams who participated in it.

Ohio Governor Ted Strickland (D) is still deciding whether he will sign a Republican-led bill directed at state employees who improperly use personal information.

Let's hope these negative repercussions to those with the Audacity of Power act as a deterrent to others. Joe, and all of us, deserve better.

The Line of Pigs at the Trough is Around the Block

This week, the Carnegie Corporation took out ads in the New York Times and Washington Post, signed by 36 universities and education association, calling on the federal government to provide $45 billion to aid to construct new facilities - particularly "green" ones.

Universities are already enormous beneficiaries of government support, from direct aid and grants to indirect aid from student loans and grants that help pay tuition that increases much faster than inflation.

But with President-elect Obama calling for a spending plan that is estimated to exceed $750 billion, the universities must be operating on the old adage: nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chrysler Bailout Revisited

In 1979, the federal government bailed out Chrysler by guaranteeing $1.5 billion of debt. This bailout is generally considered successful because Chrysler survived, and the government made money on the equity stake it received.

Despite this, there is a good case to be made that it proved harmful to the auto industry and contributed to the sector's current crisis.

Absent the 1979 bailout, Chrysler would probably have ceased to be an independent company, probably merging with GM. If so, GM and Ford would have had one less competitor for nearly 30 years, improving their market share and profits - probably making them financially stronger and in less distress today.

Moreover, the Chrysler bailout signaled to the auto industry and UAW that the government would come to their aid in tough times. This would reduce the pressure for the companies and the UAW to make the difficult changes to restructure and improve the industry's viability.

Of course, this is speculative, since even with higher market share and profits, it isn't certain that GM and Ford would be financially stronger today. Perhaps the UAW would have extracted the additional profits for their members. Or the companies might have felt less pressure to enact the changes they have implemented.

But it seems clear the Chrysler bailout didn't help the industry, further demonstrating the dangers from government interference in the market.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Mississippi Suffers for Detroit's Woes

Toyota announced today that it is suspending construction of a new auto plant in Mississippi. If GM and/or Chrysler were allowed to go bankrupt, perhaps Toyota would believe that it could increase its market share and complete this new plant.

And whether it is this plant or additional output at existing factories a bailout of the Big Three may take jobs away from workers employed at Ford(which isn't suffering to the same degree as GM and Chrysler) and the US factories of Toyota, Honda and other foreign auto makers.

The burdens and negative effects of government intervention are often diffuse and hard to see, as compared to the direct benefit of "saving jobs" at the Big Three.

Toyota's suspension of building its new factory, and the ensuing loss of construction and auto worker jobs, helps illustrate these very real costs.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Compassionate Conservatism

After Senate Republicans courageously demanded a genuine restructuring of the Big Three that would have a bona fide chance of making them viable, President Bush has inexplicable given the UAW a huge victory by agreeing to use TARP funds to bailout the Big Three - after vowing not to do so.

Let's be clear: the Big Three have no chance of being viable companies if they pay above-market wages, and Senate Republicans were insisting that auto workers receive market, but not above-market, wages. In addition, the Senate plan would have required the auto makers' creditors to take a 2/3 loss, further enhancing their viability.

The UAW clearly has a veto over the Democratic party, since Senate Democrats could have accepted the Republican bill over UAW objections. But why should they if President Bush will cave and bailout Detroit anyway? And note that the President couldn't even let a few days pass, to see if the UAW or Democrats could propose another solution.

My take is that this represents the latest manifestation of Bush's governing philosophy, compassionate conservatism. Unfortunately, this approach has turned into a wholesale abandonment of free-market principles that Bush claims he advocates and that has been one of the defining characteristics of the Republican party since Ronald Reagan.

Under Bush, the government has created a massive new entitlement program that adds trillions of dollars in liabilities (the Medicare drug benefit); partnered with noted conservative Ted Kennedy to pass a huge expansion of the federal government's role in education (No Child Left Behind); presided over an explosion of non-defense/homeland security spending (originally thought to buy Congressional support for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but perhaps that is being too generous to the President); and implemented TARP to rescue the financial system.

And now Bush is promoting an auto bailout in opposition to Republicans in Congress.

It is a sordid record that has vastly expanded the scope of the government's powers and intrusion into the lives of every American.

These efforts are the genuine threat to our liberties, and not the alleged problems in the fight against terrorism.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Promises Made, Promises Broken

Barack Obama continues to retreat from various campaign pledges. Recently, one of his transition spokesman said that with oil prices below $50 a barrel, a windfall profits tax on oil company earnings (an additional tax on top of the corporate income tax) is a dead issue.

Well, if you really believe in such a tax, wouldn't it be good to have it in place in case oil prices rise in the future?

Or does Obama prefer to avoid a fight when there is no loot to be had in the near-term?

Or was it just campaign rhetoric to help get elected?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Nationalization of the U.S. Auto Industry

George Bush, a conservative Republican who in 2006 said the auto industry wouldn't get government aid (the auto makers problems aren't exactly new), is supporting an auto bailout that can't pass without his support.

Newt Gingrich, an articulate defender of conservative principles, complains about billionaires in the financial services industry getting federal money even though he says he would have reluctantly voted for TARP.

John McCain in the campaign was silent on Democratic support for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which support significantly contributed to the financial crisis.

What has made these, and most, Republican leaders incapable of articulating a thoughtful points about the financial crisis?

Do they not understand the issues? Do they fear that won't get a proper airing of their views from a liberal-dominated media? Are they unable or unwilling to make the moral case for capitalism?

It is probably some combination of all of the above, and it has left the country bereft of a proper debate on the profound issues facing us.

Instead, we are told that the auto bailout has "tough" provisions that limit dividends and executive compensation. Here is a bit of news: the auto companies can't pay dividends anyway, and executive compensation levels aren't the problem - the above-market compensation paid to the auto workers is.

Democratic leaders say that all auto constituents will suffer losses, but the only way to see that happen in an economically-relevant way is for the bankruptcy process to run its course.

The bailout is ostensibly about making the Big Three viable, but if so, the Democrats wouldn't be hell-bent on dictating that they make fuel efficient cars and preventing them from opposing state efforts to regulate car emissions - since both efforts will reduce their profitability at a time when they are desperate for profits.

The bailout is supposedly about saving the U.S. auto industry, but since it is only GM and Chrysler who are looking for money as Ford is in much better condition, Ford's position would likely improve, probably significantly, if GM and Chrysler filed for bankruptcy. Demand for Ford cars would increase if buyers fled GM and Chrysler, increasing its ability to survive. No one dares mention that, since it undermines the case for a bailout.

Most importantly, no one is explaining why, if you oppose TARP, you must oppose the auto bailout. Nor is anyone explaining why, if you reluctantly support TARP, it still makes sense to oppose the auto bailout. So here it goes:

TARP is about preserving the financial system, which means protecting the creditors of banks. The banks' creditors are individuals with savings/checking accounts, business with similar accounts, and other financial institutions. If a bank fails, its creditors lose access to their money until the bankruptcy process resolves the matter, which for banks can take years to sort out given the vast size of their assets and liabilities. And the financial institutions whose money is frozen in a failed bank are now themselves at risk of failing, with their own set of creditors who suffer similar losses.

Ultimately, the net creditors are all of us. And this daisy chain of collapsing banks can take a recession and turn it into a depression, since the resulting contraction in money supply and credit availability means every industry and consumer is hobbled if not devastated in their ability to prosper. This is what turned the recession of 1929 into the Great Depression of the 1930's.

That can't be said of any other industry, due to the unique role that money and credit play in our economy. Period.

TARP is about preventing such a collapse. It is possible (although not certain) the use of the FDIC to insure deposits and other bank liabilities, combined with an aggressive merger effort to direct weak banks into the arms of strong ones, might have sufficed to get us through the crisis without the government directly investing money in the banks. Republicans in the House proposed this in the TARP debate but got little media attention.

But none of this is true for the auto companies. They have had profound problems for decades, losing market share and bleeding losses for so long that they are shells of their former greatness. There is no more value to be extracted by the UAW, nor to satisfy the environmental agenda of the left that forces them to make unprofitable smaller cars given their high costs.

The two biggest banks, Citigroup and JP Morgan, made $88 billion during 2005-2007. So there is hope that the government's investment in them will turn a profit, since they and other banks have a recent track record of strong profitability. This is simply not the case with GM and Ford, who lost $65 billion in the same period, a time of strong economic growth. They have deeply unprofitable business models that require extensive changes to rectify.

Bankruptcy is the place where such a restructuring can occur, due to the opportunity to change contract terms and reduce liabilities that bankruptcy law affords.

Thus, a government bailout defers the tough decisions, and will simply leave taxpayers with loses on their new auto investment and the economy poorer with the waste of resources.

Instead, we have the prospect of the nationalization of our auto industry, making a mockery of our founding principles, the economic system that has produced our unprecedented wealth, and the lesson America has shown to the world. The shining city on the hill that America has stood for now has a long line of supplicants stretching around the block looking for bailouts and subsidies.

Now we act like the semi-socialist states of Europe and elsewhere.

And to think people mocked the criticism that Barack Obama's tax plan is socialistic. The only thing to say in his defense is that the auto bailout makes his tax plan seem mild by comparison.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Audacity of Power

The arrest of Illinois' governor Rod Blagojevich on corruption charges, including his alleged attempt to be paid for appointing a replacement for Barack Obama's Senate seat, is staggering in its audacity.

Perhaps we should call it the Audacity of Power.

With Tony Rezko, Barack Obama's "acquaintance" and sometimes real estate partner, waiting for sentencing, let' hope that Chicago's corrupt political culture doesn't migrate to Washington in the new administration.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Line of Pigs at the Trough Has Spilled into the Street

Not content with getting their share of state aid, the mayors of many of America's largest cities called on the federal government to provide funding directly to cities, in addition to aid to the states, in light of the recession.

The number of supplicants for federal aid keeps on growing.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Day that Will Live in Infamy

67 years ago today, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and propelled America into a global war.

We must always remember and honor those, such as my father, who served in our military, who simultaneously fought and won two enormous wars against major industrial powers - Germany and Japan.  

Such a struggle makes our current effort in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan pale in comparison.

Bailout Madness

In the auto bailout negotiations, Democratic leaders want the legislation to prevent the Big Three from using any of the money provided to fund lawsuits challenging state emissions laws.

No private investor would ever demand such a condition to making a loan or investment. If it was in the best interest of the auto maker to file such a lawsuit, the investor would support doing so.

So the Democrats want to bailout the auto companies today, and continue to hamstring them in their ability to compete and be profitable.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Looters' Paradise

News reports indicate that Congressional leaders and the Bush administration are working on an interim $14 billion bailout that is intended to keep GM and Chrysler afloat until March until a more permanent solution can be devised.

Characterized as a "down payment" since the Big Three asked for $34 billion, we should assume that once the government starts funding the auto makers, they will get whatever sums are needed to keep them afloat. Otherwise, to have granted money but to have them later fail will be perceived a bigger political failure than cutting off funding.

So while "down payment" seems a poor choice of words to characterize spending $14 billion and 40% of the ask, I suspect it will be a small portion of the money eventually committed to the auto industry before we are through with this

Among the many things that can be said about this, I want to highlight a few.

First, it is deeply offensive that some jobs are more politically-favored than others. It is said that the report that the economy lost 533,000 jobs in November is further encouraging Congress to bail out the auto makers. In fact, it should have the opposite effect. The companies, and their employees, that employed the 533,000 who lost jobs last month, and the nearly 2 million who have lost jobs in the past year, sure would have liked a bail out. I guess UAW workers are more deserving than others.

Second, if the auto makers are correct that customers won't buy their cars if they file for bankruptcy (and I'm not sure that it isn't just a scare tactic), the bail out is helping GM and Chrysler at the expense of Ford. Ford's financial position is much stronger than GM's and Chrysler's, since its restructuring efforts have been more comprehensive and it raised more financing when it could. For those who want to protect the historical American auto makers, bankruptcy won't change that - Ford will thrive.

There is a case for sympathy for the Big Three, but it bears no relation to today's political environment. The auto makers have been severely hobbled by many regulations that have imposed on them excessive costs and limited their flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions:
  • Labor-friendly legislation has tilted the negotiating leverage toward the UAW, allowing auto workers to have above-market compensation and benefits that have drained their employers
  • Fuel efficiency standards have forced them to make more fuel efficient cars at a loss with expensive UAW labor
  • State franchising laws have made it more difficult and expensive to reduce the number of dealers as their market share has declined
If the government said it was eliminating all of these constraints, then there is a case that the auto makers can be viable and a bailout would be less offensive. Of course, if the government eliminated these constraints, investors might be willing to provide the capital to get over the current period of stress. But no private investor wants to touch such profoundly unsound businesses, given these constraints and knowing that politicians see the auto makers as part of their ideological agenda to produce green cars with expensive union labor.

It is deeply sad what has befallen the industry, particularly to GM. It was once the great innovator, overtaking the early industry leader (Ford) through aggressive competition and new product innovation. It was the world's largest industrial enterprise for many decades, during which it took a principled stand for free markets in its lobbying efforts. And its vast industrial capacity helped us win World War II.

So by virtue of its strengths, it became a target for government regulations to extract concessions and be the vehicle for pursuing political goals.

Its current state is a tragic and profound example of the results from this politically-driven looting, with no end in sight.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Doomsday Clock: 11:55 pm and Counting

For years, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has published its Doomsday Clock, a hypothetical countdown to the midnight of a nuclear holocaust.

The disturbing news reports this week on Iran's progress toward enriching uranium remind me of this vestige of the Cold War. The International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran has 630 kilograms of low-enriched uranium. Since about double that amount is needed for a nuclear weapon, and since Iran apparently is enriching about 2.5 kilograms per day, Tehran is about eight months away from having a key ingredient for a bomb. They would still need to enrich the uranium to a higher level to make it weapons-grade, and work to turn the material into a bomb, which take some time.

But the Doomsday Clock is already close to midnight and ticking.

After the failures of the five year European-led diplomatic effort to convince Iran to abandon its nuclear program, with the resulting mild UN sanctions having no meaningful effect, a more radical effort is needed if we wish to avoid a military confrontation or meekly acquiesce to a nuclear-armed Iran.

Today's low oil prices allow us to more easily consider a total economic embargo of Iran - with a boycott of Iran's oil exports the central element of such an effort. The lack of oil export revenues, along with preventing Iran from importing gasoline and shutting the country off from international financial transactions, would be economically devastating to Iran - quickly.

Increased production from Saudi Arabia, and if needed a release of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum, can mitigate the loss of Iran's oil exports - and the current depressed state of the oil market makes this a more viable time to consider such a strategy.

Unless the impact is quick and profound, sanctions and diplomacy will have no realistic chance of stopping Iran; the strategic benefits of being a nuclear power are too great for another "package" of incentives to stop them.

While this approach could lead to war, since Iran may lash out in response, it at least has a chance of success.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Crisis Redux

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the U.S. Treasury is considering a plan to lower mortgage rates to 4.5% to new home buyers who qualify for a traditional mortgage (documenting income, etc.) to spur a rise in home prices.

While it is true that falling home prices are driving the financial crisis as it increases defaults on mortgages held by financial institutions, what this proposal entails is artificially propping up asset prices by lowering interest rates.

We need asset prices to fall to those levels that induce buyers to return to the market on their own accord. That is a necessary predicate for recovery to begin.

Actions which defer that reality simply increase the length of this recession and sow the seeds for future financial losses.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Promises Made, Promises Broken*

Barack Obama made a central part of his campaign for President his initial opposition to the war in Iraq.

Remarkably, he has chosen for his Vice President and Secretary of State senators who voted for the Iraq war, and has nominated for Secretary of Defense a man who has been waging that war as George Bush's Defense Secretary.

To govern in contradiction to how one campaigns creates a divisive political culture, by misleading voters about one's views and creating or exaggerating divisions.

A profile in courage, it is not.

* An ongoing series that looks at how Barack Obama's campaign rhetoric matches with the reality of his Presidential actions and policies.

The Line of Pigs at the Trough is Out the Door

Governors have joined the bandwagon demanding additional subsidies for their states from the federal government, to which Barack Obama has replied favorably. The budgets of many states ballooned in the recent economic expansion, typically growing much faster than inflation and population growth. With tax revenue declining dramatically, their inflated budgets are now under pressure. If your sugar daddy can plug the gap, so much better than having to cut back.

Auto makers, auto parts suppliers, utilities, railroads, telecoms, and state governments - the line of pigs at the trough is now out the door.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Health Insurance 101

Since health care promises to be a major policy debate in an Obama administration, I plan to write a number of posts on the subject. This first one discusses insurance, one of the most fundamentally misunderstood parts of our health care system.

The first thing to understand is how insurance is priced. Because of its relative simplicity, annual term life insurance provides a good example of insurance pricing. Let's say you purchase a $100,000 term life insurance policy. This means that if you die in the next year, $100,000 is paid to your beneficiaries; if you don't pass away, you get paid nothing.

If actuarial studies suggest someone with your age and other relevant characteristics has a 1% chance of dying in the next year, the expected value of the payment to you is $1,000 - where the expected value is the total payout ($100,000) times the probability of the payout occurring (1%).

So the insurance company needs to charge you at least $1,000 for this insurance policy, to cover their expected insurance payment to you. But they also have to pay administrative costs and earn a profit, so the cost to the consumer needs to be greater than $1,000 - let's say $1,200.

Health insurance, and all insurance, share this basic fact: the cost to the consumer needs to be greater than the expected insurance payment, otherwise the insurance company will lose money and won't offer the policy.

In some ways, insurance is a bad deal for consumers. In the example above, you pay $1,200 to be paid $1,000 on average, for a "loss" of $200. But the key is "on average". You get either $0 or $100,000, and presumably your beneficiaries will need the $100,000 if you pass away (let's say to replace your lost income). Because people are generally risk averse, most are probably willing to lose money on average (the $200 "loss") in order to protect against the risk of a large loss (the income your family no longer has if you die).

Because of this, you ought to buy insurance to protect against large, unexpected losses. For example, although light bulbs burn out at uncertain intervals, their cost is sufficiently low that it doesn't make sense to buy insurance to protect against their demise. Likewise, although an apartment dweller's monthly rent is a very large cost, it is a certain cost. In both cases, you don't want to pay the insurance company's administrative costs/profit for either variable, small losses (light bulbs) or certain large costs (rent).

Another key concept in insurance is moral hazard, which means that a person with insurance may behave differently than if they didn't have insurance - and create more insurance costs than otherwise. While this is a small problem for life insurance and is addressed by preventing payouts for suicide, it is a much bigger problem in health insurance.

For example, if you had to pay the cost of emergency room or doctor's visits out of your own pocket, depending on the nature of your health problem you might choose to see your doctor than go to the more expensive emergency room. If you had an insurance policy that paid 100% of all your costs (as an extreme example), you would bear no direct cost for choosing to go immediately to the emergency room - so you might do so when you wouldn't have without insurance.

Because of this, insurance companies might actually assume that you will incur higher health care spending merely because you have insurance. For example, imagine a health insurance policy that cost $15,000 and paid 100% of all health costs - so the total cost of health care is $15,000 no matter what. Now imagine a second policy that costs $4,000 and has a $10,000 deductible, beyond which insurance pays 100% of all health costs.

This second policy is far better than the first. Why? At most the person pays $14,000 in health care costs ($4,000 for insurance and $10,000 in deductible costs) and very well may pay less (if there are only $2,000 of claims, the total cost for the year is $6,000) - in all cases paying less than $15,000 of certain costs with the first policy.

While my example is hypothetical, the pricing of actual insurance policies can exhibit these characteristics. This can result because of the lack incentives that the first, no deductible policy provides for the insured to minimize health spending.

So here is the point of all this: most health insurance for much of the past 50 years violates these basic principles of insurance. While covering large unexpected costs, health insurance has also typically covered many routine expenditures that may not be both large and unexpected. In doing so, this has given consumers an incentive to over-utilize health care, since if you bear a small portion of the direct cost of providing desired health care, you will use more health care than otherwise.

The solution to this problem is to purchase high-deductible health insurance policies. Such policies have only recently started to gain traction due to changes in the tax code.

Why does the tax code enter this discussion? Because the entire discussion above assumes there are no tax benefits between choosing one type of insurance policy over another. But that hasn't been the case. The tax code allows health insurance to be a tax deductible business expense but is not taxable income for the employee, unlike wages/salary/bonus which is a business expense but is taxable income for the employee.

So this means we have had an incentive to take more of our income in the form of tax-free benefits like health care, with the greater the cost of insurance, the higher the tax savings. As we have seen, greater insurance cost corresponds to health insurance with low deductibles and low co-pays - which is the same insurance policy that reduces significantly the incentives of the consumer to minimize health care spending.

And now you have one of the key elements behind skyrocketing health care costs in America.