Saturday, December 27, 2008

Three Remarkable Words

My local YMCA has various written signs posted depicting the values the Y seeks to instill and foster.  One sign that has long impressed me reads "Realism, Idealism, Optimism".  These three words capture a reality-oriented, positive outlook on life.  

The importance of realism lies in the need for us to confront reality as it exists, and not as we may wish it to be.  You can't know what to do, or seek to change something for the better, without an honest appraisal of what's happening.

Idealism reflects the importance of having a commitment to acting ethically and seeking to make your life, and the world around you, a better place.

And optimism reflects the view that life, despite its many challenges and hardships, is often a happy one or can be made so.  In effect, a commitment to reality with a passion to improve one's life should correspond to an optimistic outlook.

A remarkable three words to guide our life and our actions. 

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