Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Audacity of Power

One of the more disturbing elements of the recent Presidential campaign was the attempt to smear Joe Wurzelbacher (aka "Joe the Plumber") for having the temerity to ask Barack Obama a question. For that offense, Joe was treated to a media assault and government investigations.

In addition to the media barrage against Joe which ranks as one of the new lows for politically-driven journalism, Ohio state officials searched through confidential records to dig up dirt to impugn his credibility.

It is good to see this week that this attack on an ordinary citizen will lead to the loss of jobs for Helen Jones-Kelley, who led the investigation into Joe's background, along with Doug Thompson and Fred Williams who participated in it.

Ohio Governor Ted Strickland (D) is still deciding whether he will sign a Republican-led bill directed at state employees who improperly use personal information.

Let's hope these negative repercussions to those with the Audacity of Power act as a deterrent to others. Joe, and all of us, deserve better.

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